Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A

Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi


Dalam usaha mewujudkan praktik pembelajaran matematika yang baik melalui kegiatan lesson study yang bekerjaswama dengan JICA.Berdasarkan pelaksanaan kegiatan Lesson Study ini, ditemukan bahwa kegiatan Lesson Study membereikan dampak terhadap guru, siswa, manajemen kelas, peralatan atau fasilitas, dan sistem sekolah.

Proyek Lesson Study terbukti sangat efektif dalam mengangkat siswa ' enthuciastic dalam belajar ilmu pengetahuan, membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan eksperimental mereka dan diskusi keterampilan, memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan mereka sendiri konsep sendiri.Dengan pendekatan kontruktivisme,siswa mungkin menemukan gaya terbaik mereka belajar. Persaingan meningkat antara kelompok-kelompok siswa dalam menyajikan hasil pekerjaan mereka dan membela presentasi mereka. Ini memaksa siswa untuk belajar teori yang lebih pada mereka sendiri.

Sebagai hasil dari Lesson Study kegiatan mengajar materi ada banyak dikembangkan baik oleh dosen dan mengajar bersama-sama atau dengan dosen atau guru sendiri. Bahan-bahan yang baik dikembangkan oleh dosen atau guru di kelas mereka sendiri atau oleh dosen dan guru bersama-sama selama kegiatan Lesson Study. Dosen atau guru mengembangkan materi mengajar setelah berpikir luas apa dan bagaimana mengembangkan bahan untuk mengajar topik tertentu, dan kemudian mengembangkan bahan.

Hasil penelitian secara signifikan menunjukkan bahwa ada perbaikan dari praktek mengajar matematika sekunder terhadap metodologi pengajaran, kompetensi guru, prestasi siswa, alternatif evaluasi, sumber belajar mengajar dan silabus.


Disampaikan pada Simposium Guru “Pengembangan Profesional dan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan SLTP”
By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi

During this process of learning mathematics in school still has many obstacles. The problem of learning methods are used, the media, props and other factors. This effect obstacles in the process of learning mathematics in the classroom. Many students will be difficult to understand mathematics, from this fact through the study investigators intend give expression class action issues.

This action research aims to develop mathematical learning method that can meet the academic needs of students, enhance learning achievement, encouraging students' active learning, developing props and encourage cooperation. Action research involves teachers' teaching styles with learning model that was developed in a particular class at a given time period as well. Thus the learning context that is fixed classroom, students and teachers themselves, while learning context that is changing model of learning, teaching styles and learning other aspects including materials, teaching resources, the execution time of learning.

Development of mathematical models of learning through action research to address the problem of learning mathematics in the classroom, by: Developing Student Worksheet (BLM) aims to encourage students to improve learning achievement, active learning, and encourage students to cooperate with others; Formation study group aims to encourage students discussion groups, situation and context of learning varies; Development of a class discussion method; Development of teaching aids and educational media making it easier for students to understand material.

But the fact still have some obstacles which advance of other students active in domination by clever students, support costs and facilities of school. In addition, teachers are expected to change the method of learning mathematics from expository method in which teachers could convey the material, giving examples, to give the exercise but with a variation of learning methods that are used as methods of investigation, problem solving.

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator :

Studi Kasus Penggunaan Kalkulator Texas Instrument TI 89 pada PBM Matematika di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH IV YOGYAKARTA

Disampaikan Pada Seminar Nasional

“National Seminar on Science and Mathematics Education: The Role of

IT/ICT in Supporting the Implementation of Competent-Based Curriculum”

di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung

25 Agustus 2003

By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A

Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi

The calculator is assistive devices in learning mathematics process. This is related to function of the calculator as tool for calculating mathematics. Case studies conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta IV associated with the discussion of the material equations and inequalities. This case study noted some of the results include: 1) graphing calculator can be used to match the graphic image, match the answer of set and provide real experience of drawing graph, 2) methods in solving matter equations and inequalities can be viewed as command, symbolic manipulation and graphs on the calculator, 3) graphing calculator is useful to indicate answers that were previously calculated without a calculator and accelerate problem solving metematika (Marsigit: 2003).

But there are constraints experienced by students in using the graphing calculator it are difficulties in paraphrase sentences in the language of mathematics into the calculator and expressing of view into the calculator display mathematical sentence. After researchers to collect data through following step: observation as data collection techniques. Where researchers acting as a mathematics teacher to teach a discussion of equality and inequality. Thus, researchers can obtain whatever information is needed. And also used the interview as a comparison to check the correctness of data obtained from observations.

Some of the important command of the Texas Instruments TI 89 calculator

  • Solve Command

Solve command which is one order of feature algebra. This command is used to solve of the problem.

  • Simult Command

Simult command is one command of the feature matrix. Solve based equations in the matrix. Examples of questions that can be completed is a system of linear equations three variables

  • Expand Command

Expand command is one command of the feature algebra. The solution is based on the process of elaboration. Examples of questions that can be completed is a matter of determining the unknown quadratic equation roots.

Stages use the calculator as a learning tool in mathematics at SMK Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta IV, can be done as follows: an understanding of the importance graphing calculators; understanding of theory and use of graphing calculators in solving matter equations and inequalities; the process of entering data about the calculator; interpretive display calculator graphs and draw conclusions. From the use of Texas Instruments TI 89 Calculator in teaching and learning in that students can more easily find a solution to the roots of an equation that will be depicted on the chart and more students master a learning tool.

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011




By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A

Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi


Kant's view about the role of intuition in mathematics has provided a clear picture of the foundation, structure and mathematical truth. Moreover, if we learn more knowledge of Kant's theory, in which dominated the discussion about the role and position of intuition, then we will also get an overview of the development of mathematical foundation. Kant said about intuition is: Intuition as the Basis of Mathematics, Intuition in Arithmetic, Intuition in Geometry, Mathematical Intuition in the Decision.

1. Intuition as the Basis for Mathematics

According to Kant (Kant, I., 1781), and the construction of mathematical understanding is obtained by first finding "pure intuition" in the sense or mind. The mathematics are "synthetic a priori" can be constructed through three stages of intuition is "intuition sensing", "intuition is reasonable", and "intuitive mind". Intuition sensing associated with mathematical objects that can be absorbed as an element a posteriori. Intuition is the result of intuition penginderan sense into the intuition of space and time. Intuition mind associated with decisions of mathematical argumentation.

2. Intuition in Arithmetic

Kant (Kant, I., 1787) argues that the propositions of arithmetic should be synthetic in order to obtain new concepts. If only rely on the analytical method, then it will not be obtained for new concepts. Kant (Wilder, RL, 1952) connects the arithmetic with the intuition of time as a form of "inner intuition" to show that awareness of the concept of numbers pembentuknnya include aspects such that the structure of consciousness can be shown in order of time.

3. Intuition in Geometry

Kant (Kant, I, 1783), argues that the spatial geometry is based on pure intuition. According to him, if not so, ie if the proposition is merely analytic geometry then the geometry does not have objective validity, which means the geometry is just fiction.

4. Intuition in Decision Mathematics

According to Kant, with the intuition of mind, we hold the ratio of the argument (mathematics) and combine the decisions (mathematics). Decision mathematical cognition is the awareness that is complex discrete: objects related to mathematics, including mathematical concepts, is a pure reasoning, involving the laws of mathematics, stating the truth value of a mathematical proposition.

So with that put forward by Kant intuition above, we can learn math more easily and develop mathematics.