By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi
Kant's view about the role of intuition in mathematics has provided a clear picture of the foundation, structure and mathematical truth. Moreover, if we learn more knowledge of Kant's theory, in which dominated the discussion about the role and position of intuition, then we will also get an overview of the development of mathematical foundation. Kant said about intuition is: Intuition as the Basis of Mathematics, Intuition in Arithmetic, Intuition in Geometry, Mathematical Intuition in the Decision.
1. Intuition as the Basis for Mathematics
According to Kant (Kant, I., 1781), and the construction of mathematical understanding is obtained by first finding "pure intuition" in the sense or mind. The mathematics are "synthetic a priori" can be constructed through three stages of intuition is "intuition sensing", "intuition is reasonable", and "intuitive mind". Intuition sensing associated with mathematical objects that can be absorbed as an element a posteriori. Intuition is the result of intuition penginderan sense into the intuition of space and time. Intuition mind associated with decisions of mathematical argumentation.
2. Intuition in Arithmetic
Kant (Kant, I., 1787) argues that the propositions of arithmetic should be synthetic in order to obtain new concepts. If only rely on the analytical method, then it will not be obtained for new concepts. Kant (Wilder, RL, 1952) connects the arithmetic with the intuition of time as a form of "inner intuition" to show that awareness of the concept of numbers pembentuknnya include aspects such that the structure of consciousness can be shown in order of time.
3. Intuition in Geometry
Kant (Kant, I, 1783), argues that the spatial geometry is based on pure intuition. According to him, if not so, ie if the proposition is merely analytic geometry then the geometry does not have objective validity, which means the geometry is just fiction.
4. Intuition in Decision Mathematics
According to Kant, with the intuition of mind, we hold the ratio of the argument (mathematics) and combine the decisions (mathematics). Decision mathematical cognition is the awareness that is complex discrete: objects related to mathematics, including mathematical concepts, is a pure reasoning, involving the laws of mathematics, stating the truth value of a mathematical proposition.
So with that put forward by Kant intuition above, we can learn math more easily and develop mathematics.
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