Samsul Feri Apriyadi,
Faculty of Mathematics and Science,
the State University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
1. Lesson plan
Lesson plan is the plan of a study that aims to design learning experiences of students in achieving learning goals. Lesson plan based on conformance with the material to be taught and students' learning environment. Lesson plane to guide the learning activities include:
· identity of the material,
· students and schools,
· competency standards to be achieved,
· the basic competencies to be mastered by the student,
· determine the indicators of achievement of basic competencies,
· plan learning activities,
· resource materials or leaning media are used,
· the allocation of time is needed,
· the learning method will be used,
· assessment.
In lesson plan that very importan is teacher must mastery material will teach and can develop interest student.
2. Student work sheet
Student work sheet is facilitate to give image about the material will be or has been learned. Student work sheet show problem must work by student. The benefit of student work sheet are : providing experience for students solve problems, generate interest in learning, knowing the level of students' understanding of the material that teaches, exercise independent in solve the problem.
3. Small group discussion
Small group discussion is a media of learning ,where students in the class divided into several groups that will discuss a problem that give teacher . With a small group discussion facilitate the transfer of the material because they can build their own understanding of a material being taught.
The goal of this group are :
· To give opportunity for student to develop skill,
· To depth understand of the material.
Then students were asked to present the result discussion in front of class, this gives a positive impact on developmental psychology students. And teachers to provide input as well as justified if students understand is false.
4. Various interaction
In the class there are some interactions that whole class, small group and individual. In the classroom we must know who their students, in order to determine appropriate ways of interaction. The Whole class is the students' overall, the interaction between teachers and students are less effective. Class is classified into several groups will be easly interaction, where teachers can interaction with the group directly and ask if there is not yet clear. The individual use for giving opportunity to students to explore her understanding of the material.
5. Various teaching method
Teaching methods are used to determine the success of a process of learning in the classroom. Interesting learning methods will be preferred by students rather than a rigid and monotonous method. Several types of learning methods include:
· The Exsposition method is method using in class where teacher is main resources of study. The teacher gives the lecture material before class and less attractive while still listening to their students understand and take notes.
· The Discussion method
This method gives freedom to the students because they can discuss issues with their own friends. Teachers only facilitate them to discover and convey the idea of matter.
· The investigation method
Students are invited to actively find a pattern and relationship of a theorem or formula.
· The problem solving method
This method is very corect in applied because students are actively doing good problem-solving activities that contextual reasoning.
The purpose of various teaching method is :Increase understanding of students in achieving learning,Encourage student to learn active,To give opportuniy for student to use props and to corporate between student.
6. Student reflection
Students are invited to submit what they have learned with their own language. Activity reflects a material would be remembered in the brains of students.
7. Cognitive scheme
Cognitive learning scheme is appropriate to its context. Examples of the material students are taught about Pythagoras, were first introduced they will function of this theorem then they are taught about how to find a formula by the formula square Pythagoras. Cognitive skills scheme requires every teacher in bringing the material in class.
8. Student conclusion
In the process of learning the teacher must be able to invite students actively in learning activities. The teacher should be :
· Make a plan what will do teacher in class for atractive student make conlusion.
· The teacher still involve in the small group during discussion,so the theacher know what the student necesery.
· Student must submit his ideas to the presentation.
· After presentasion,the teacher review about what who students have been delivered and give a chanche to student take conclusion.
· From this conclusion,student should compare with the other friend ang show result them.
9. Apperception
Apperception is presenting the concepts that have been studied previously. Teachers should be able to build a good Apperception before entering into the material i with give motivate students to keep learning. With Apperception Understand teacher can construct of a student about the material will from learn. Teacher can ask questions about what will learn?why?how method find their?
In the video we saw the teacher give question to some student and student ask for answered. If student can answer with good,meaning student understand the topic. The teacher also show some work from student,this can built interest from student to be best. The point of apperception is where teacher atractive interest from student to study.
10. Assesment
Assesment is recor from student in learning process to understand material object. Assesment between with evaluation. In the Assesment teacher must see diligent student in explain idea in class or in the group,capability from student relate the material before with the material will learned,capability student in problem solving. The Assesment to cover all actifity student and understanding them.
11. Various media
With the use of media in the learning process makes it easy for students to understand the material. Instructional media can be: interactive video, power point, LCD. Students will easily follow every material given according to context, the atmosphere of learning is not boring but it creates an atmosphere of learning is happy. But learning media can not happen if they do not have the support of the school or government,because need more cost,time and commitment from all.
12. Various teaching aids
Teaching aids can be images, tools and objects. Like learning math class in a particular discussion somthing,would require a tool such as a compass, ruler, bow. Teachers should also be able to use the equipment, it requires a skill that can then be transferred to students. For example, students are taught about the surface area and volume of a cube, with the props in the form of a cube figure students will more quickly understand any part of the cube and can find the origin of the formula.
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