Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi

Planning and curriculum development is an important thing for the survival of the educational process. Where is increasingly developing curriculum that is in use. It aims to adapt to the development of science and technology and global needs. So we need a curriculum that is able to cope with these developments, especially related to learning mathematics. The curriculum is Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

There are several reasons why the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) be an option in an effort to improve the condition of education in this country, of which (Mukminan, 2003): the potential for different students, the quality of education is low, global competition, competition between individuals or between educational institutions.

In addition we must understood that the nature of mathematics in schools. Teach mathematics in schools is not easy because the facts show that students experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics, for that we need to understand that: Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships, Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention, Mathematics as problem solving activities ( problem solving),Mathematics as a tool to communicate. While the mathematics itself is more emphasis on: understanding of concepts, reasoning skills, algorithmic skills, problem-solving, investigation.

So as a teacher of mathematics need to understand that students will learn mathematics if they are motivated to understand mathematics, learning mathematics in its own way whether taken alone or cooperation, and understanding they should be taken into proper context. Which all must attention condition is psychomotor aspects and affective of students. Its core curriculum is designed to be in the process of learning mathematics, students are able to perform the search patterns and relationships; develop creativity with imagination, intuition and invention; perform problem-solving activities; and communicate mathematical thinking to others. To achieve such capabilities developed a process that takes into account the context of learning mathematics and its application in everyday life.

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