Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A

Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi

This paper describes the importance of a math learning strategies and competency-based application that must be mastered by the teaching of mathematics. We know that the most fundamental issues of the problems that arise in the field is how the planning, development and implementation of curriculum in accordance with the teaching and learning activities is expected. To answer this question it is in the planning and curriculum development needs to attention: (1) Specific Guidelines for Developing the syllabus, (2) technical guidelines for implementation of the curriculum developed, (3) supporting the curriculum in its various forms, such as resource books, teaching facilities and teachers' abilities , (4) involvement of teachers and other education personnel in planning and curriculum development, (5) the need for socialization for curriculum development to stakeholders, and (6) the need evaluation.

Relation to competency-based mathematics education that is how the emphasis on capabilities that must be mastered by students in understanding mathematics is taught according to standards of competence and basic skills in which you want to accomplish. Standard of competence is a basic or minimum standards that must be in teaching in learning mathematics, while basic skills are minimal ability in mathematics to be mastered by students. Basic skills may include the ability of affective, cognitive and psychomotor aspect.

But the main problems in learning math is related with goal learning, how to achieve that goal and how to know that this goal has been achieved. There is need for careful design of both the learning process and evaluation system used. Therefore, the need for mathematics syllabus is prepared outlines of mathematics learning materials. This syllabus covers the competency standards, basic skills, learning materials, description of learning materials, student learning experience of time allocation, and reference sources used. And most importantly pay attention to students' abilities in their respective schools.

Here the role of competency-based curriculum is in the early learning experiences that will create the impression of fun for students. Where students are required to master skills in mathematics according to ability. And In connection with the basic mathematical competencies to be achieved there is need for the learning unit (LU). Namely the elaboration in a more operational than the syllabus into fragments of learning activities that are operational can be done by the teacher. The Learning unit include: Identity Subject, Basic Capabilities, meteri Learning, Learning Strategies, Media Learning, Assessment, Teaching Material Resources.

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