Mathematics teaching in each country have caracteristic and culture thet different. Because each country have point of about mathematic and application in daily life. We wiil look about mathematics in phillipines. In phillipin teaching learning of mathematics have cultural how student can problem solving in mathematics and find solved it.
How teacher do improving mathematics with nearly open-ended problems. Teachers who are members of a lesson study group give more opportunities for pupils to think and communicate mathematically. They given questions then pupil responsed,with understanding mathematical ideas from problem given.
Mathematical teaching in Philipin
Planning a Lesson that Promotes Mathematical Thinking and Communication
Teacher before learning process in claas after construct planning for a lesson on solving word problems involving subtraction with divided own class come some group. The group recognized about important mathematical thinking and communication in class. The teachers took initiative to rising motivation from pupil,with ask every pupil to contribute in discussion. One teacher rewrote the lesson plan based understanding about subtraction. The other teacher suggested that worksheets containing the number sentences be given to pupils. And pupil asked to work. This is method how student develop understanding about subtraction and find out with discussion of group.
It was emphasized that ideas should come from the pupils and teacher draw out these ideas from the pupils. The teachers had to formulate appropriate questions. In the process, the teachers required the pupils to think and give reasons for their responses. In thus, the student contribute in learning process in class.
The create Mathematical Communication in Class
Mathematical communication is necessary, where the teacher on duty to take his students to communicate any answers and pattern them. Following are specific ways by which the teacher created opportunities for the pupils did mathematical communication :
· Asking Pupils to Observe and Describe the Characteristics of Number Sentences Involved in a Problem
The teacher repeatedly required the pupils to observe the characteristics of the number sentence that they were working on. Through his questions, they were able to describe examplre of subtraction.
· Requiring Pupils to Explain their Answer
The teacher required pupils who presented their work in class to explain how they got their answer.
· Making Pupils Evaluate Their and Others’Work
The show answers to the class, then each group will determine the right answer. And the reasons why they chose that answer. This will provide a deep impression of the concept being taught,because they learn on their own by way of exchange of ideas about object. After that they record.
Making Improvements Mathematical Communication
· Using Group work
In the lesson plan, the teacher was supposed to make the pupils work in pairs or group. If this was done, there could have been more discussions as pupils would more informally about the correctness of their method and answer. They are could have the opportunity to present his/her work to the whole class or their friend.
· Being Clear and Consistent in the Use of Terms
Answer as supposed to be used in this lesson refers to understanding from student and recognize the relationship between the number of correct answers .
· Examining how Pupils Might Interpret the Teacher’s Questions
Pupils sometimes responded incorrectly to the teacher’s question because theyinterpreted it differently from what the teacher intended. This caused confusion and wasted time. In the planning session, the lesson study group should evaluate how the questions that are raised might be interpreted by the pupil.
· Important of Mathematical Relationships
For a column in a subtraction sentence with missing digits, if two digits are given,then subtraction or addition can be applied to get their difference or sum, respectively. If only one digit is given, then any digit can be used to serve as the other digit so that these same operations can be applied.
· Listening Carefully and Asking Questions
Both the teacher and the pupils should learn to listen carefully to each other. For instance, if the teacher did, perhaps he would have realized that when he asked thepupils to explain their work, they did not really explain how they got their answer butsimply described the procedure that they did.
Implementation of the process problem solving in philipin can be applied in various places. students are actively involved as a learning center to find your own patterns and relationships from a material with a method of solving problems through discussion groups. with lesson study, to think of mathematics and applied mathematics communication was effective to cbuilt spirit of learning from their students.
Students are actively encouraged to engage in the learning process provides a deep understanding and a memorable experience for students.
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