Kamis, 29 September 2011

How to build student interest in study mathematics

Teach mathematics to students is not easy, it is seen from the fact that many students assumed in mathematics is difficult and scary. This fact must the teacher to make learning mathematics in the classroom should be interesting, innovative and communicative.

We know that these problems are also caused less of learning facilities, props, environments. Moreover , teachers also difficulty in learning mathematics in the classroom: how interest to have students, creating a supportive classroom atmosphere, mastery of technology and the most important achievement is a matter of values ​​ a national examination. This makes the teacher during permanent to the exposition is using the method in classroom teaching.

Of the problems that a teacher should know about the nature mathematics schools, that mathematics is an activity tracking patterns and relationships,in here teachers should give freedom for students to make conclusions from the topic being studied ; mathematics is activities that require creativity, imagination, intuition and innovation,in here teacher give appreciation for students who are able to find patterns of relationships in mathematics ; mathematics is problem solving activities, here the teacher is not only concerned with the result but the process of finding it. So that teachers can provide value or evaluation to students depending on the activeness of students learning time, understanding of materials, skills in logic or mathematics and the results of tasks and exams.

In essence the nature of students' learning of mathematics is how a teacher can affect students in: building confident in student self that the math is easy, give them motivation to continue studying mathematics, give freedom to explore her in to understand concepts and solve math problems, and make learning methods is fun , interest and communicative.

Resources from “Usaha Guru” Dalam Meningkatakan Minat Siswa Mempelajari Matematika By : Dr .Marsigit,M.A

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Pembelajaran pecahan di SMP

The Iceberg Approach of Learning Fractions in Junior High School:
Teachers’ Simulations of Prior to Lesson Study Activities
By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi

Materi pecahan yang diajarkan di SMP terkadang terjadi salah pemahaman oleh siswa. Hal ini terjadi mungkin akibat dari proses pemahaman siswa yang kurang tepat waktu pembelajaran di kelas. Fenomena ini sering muncul akibat guru kurang mengenalkan konsep yang lebih mendalam tentang pecahan. Melalui simulasi yang dilakukan ini di dapat :Fakta bahwa tidak begitu mudah bagi guru untuk mengembangkan dan memanipulasi yang ada di lingkungan sekitar sebagai materi.
Tampaknya ada beberapa kesenjangan antara guru tentang kebiasaan dalam melakukan matematika formal dan matematika informal. Beberapa guru cenderung memulai untuk memperkenalkan model konkret untuk siswa mereka atau menunggu sampai mereka menemukan sendiri. Namun sebagian besar guru matematika percaya bahwa dunia Orientasi adalah langkah penting dalam memperkenalkan konsep awal matematika yang akan berkesan bagi siswanya.
Untuk model materi, guru berusaha untuk mengidentifikasi visualisai model pecahan yang mengakaitkan hubungan antara konsep pecahan, hubungan dan operasi. Yang dapat diperoleh melalui proses pembelajaran yang menarik dan interkatif misalnya dengan menggunakan media atu alat peraga yang dapat diperoleh dari sekitarnya.
Setalah itu perlu adanya komunikasi yang baik antara guru dan siswa dimana guru memberikan kebebasan pada siswa dalam mengungkapkan ide-idenya tentang materi pecahan yang diajarkan. Disini peran guru hanya sekedar memfasilitasi siswa. Sehingga siswa membangun pemahaman sendiri tentang notasi pecahan,operasi yang di gunkan dan hubungan antar pecahan.


By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A

Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi

Dalam memperkenalkan matematika baik di Sekolah Dasar maupun di Sekolah Menengah Pertama perlu adanya suatu pendekatan yang realistik,menarik,menekankan pada proses dan pemahaman konsep. Serta memenuhi beberapa komponen yaitu sikap merka terhahap matematika,metode pembelajarn dan isi dari materi.Hal ini sangat diperlukan karena untuk membangun rasa penasaran dan ketertarikan mereka terhadap matematika ,perlu dibangun rasa cinta dan penasaran mereka terhadap matematika yang dapat diwujudkan dengan menggunakan media dan metode pembelajaran yang menarik,interaktif dan realistik. Contoh Pembelajaran matematika di SD yang memerlukan pendekatan realistik. Misalnya di SD mereka diajarkan berhitung dengan menggunakan contoh seperti apel lima dimakan satu tinggal berapa?

Beberapa metode yang di perhatikan meliputi: metode berpikir induktif, berpikir analogis, berpikir deduktif, berpikir abstrak, berpikir yang menyederhanakan, berpikir umum, berpikir yang khusus (Marsigit,2008).

Dalam Kurikulum Berbasis Sekolah, dinyatakan bahwa matematika di sekolah dasar dan
sekolah menengah harus mendorong siswa untuk berpikir logis, analitis, sistematis,
kritis, kreatif dan mampu berkolaborasi dengan orang lain.
Implementasi kurikulum matematika di ruang kelas perlu mengembangkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah yang mencakup masalah tertutup dan terbuka. Dalam memecahkan masalah, siswa perlu kreatif mengembangkan banyak cara dan alternatif, untuk mengembangkan model matematika, dan untuk memperkirakan hasil. Pendekatan kontekstual dan realistis disarankan untuk dikembangkan oleh guru untuk mendorong pemikiran matematika di sekolah dasar.

Dengan pendekatan ini, ada harapan bahwa siswa semangat belajar dan menguasai matematika. Untuk membuat mereka belajar matematika lebih efektif, guru juga perlu mengembangkan sumber daya seperti teknologi informasi, alat bantu mengajar dan media lainnya. Selain itu, kurikulum yang diterapkan di SD maupun di SMP sebaiknya lebih menekan kan pada kebebasan siswa maupun guru dalam mengkaji lebih mendalam tentang matematika yang memerlukan pemahaman konsep dan proses dalam memperoleh hasil atau proses penyelaesaian masalah.

Kamis, 22 September 2011


By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A

Reviewed by : Samsul Feri

Today, the teacher is a profession much in demand by many people. Because the teachers are very advantageous position. The need for improving the competence of teachers, especially teachers of mathematics teachers through models, interactive and communicative learning through role MGMP.

Teachers should be able to as a communicator and teacher as fasilitator. That is a role to facilitate students to learn the most by using a variety of methods, media, and learning resources. And in the process of student learning as a central learning, students are more active, find and solve the problems of learning, while teachers could help students when students is dificult in understanding material.

Professional competence of teachers' is pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence. Teachers' pedagogical competence include mastery of the material, educational theories and learners. The personality of the teacher competencies include: attitudes, behaviors, positive habits, politeness. While covering aspects of social competence: objective, communicative and adaptive to the environment. While professional competence includes: mastering the material, structure, concepts, and scientific mindset.

Lesson Study activities are activities that are systemic educational research in order to build the professionalism of a teacher. And also with the MGMP teachers can exchange ideas, examine more deeply the material and learning methods appropriate for their students. MGMP give inspiration for teacher to adapt in learning process to student that Can use media or facility teaching is interst,happy and communicatif.


By : Dr. Marsigit,M.A

Reviewed by : Samsul Feri Apriyadi

From the presentation it can explanation that Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is a curriculum that has plans and arrangements concerning the competence of students in the can through the learning process. Competence here is the skills, knowledge and understanding of the concept of the learner to the material provided.

A student must master the basic skills of any material that is given. Where minimum basic skills is the ability to be a know by students.
In CBC, an indicator of the success of the learning process is the student able to do the problem that is given and thorough in getting its value. Here it can be seen where the students truly a passion for study and could be seen from the enthusiasm, motivation, independence in learning and understanding the context of the material that is given.