We know that traditional teaching still a lot of applied in indonesia.Although this method,it is less to meet the times.The traditional teaching is teach that become teacher just one sources of knowledge.While progressive teaching is teach that gives students the freedom to develop her potential obtained from various sources,from teachers, friends, internet, magazines, and etc.
The difference from traditional teaching and progressive teaching can be seen from several criteria, namely:
Ø Material level
Material level is the level of something that can be seen and directly observed, including classes, books, building.
Ø Formal level
Formal level is used include curriculum, syllabus, book learning.
Ø Normative level
Normative level is covering law, degree, educational system, the paradigm of education, theories of education.
Ø Spiritual level
Spiritual is included future to be achieved, good, education as a way of life to achieve success.
A. Traditional teaching
Seen from Paradigm of education and theories of education assumed that teaching is a process transfer of knowladge from teacher to student.So student assumed as empty vessel.The learning just one direction is from teacher and teacher dominate in class so that student become passive.Educational system use national final examination as key of success from process learning.Curiculum used curriculum 1975,1980.It just press to contact education that must tired.
In the class teacher dominate to all and teacher is sources knowledge.Teacher in action learning used expository method.Expository method is teacher explain material then to give example,problem,task and student must understand that material.Theacher just text box oriented.
B. Progressive Teaching
Progressive educators are concerned with helping children become not only good learners but also good people. Schooling isn’t seen as being about just academics, nor is intellectual growth limited to verbal and mathematical proficiencies.
Learning isn’t something that happens to individual children — separate selves at separate desks. Children learn with and from one another in a caring community, and that’s true of moral as well as academic learning. Interdependence counts at least as much as independence, so it follows that practices that pit students against one another in some kind of competition, thereby undermining a feeling of community, are deliberately avoided.
Progressive schools are characterized by what I like to call a “working with” rather than a “doing to” model. In place of rewards for complying with the adults’ expectations, or punitive consequences for failing to do so, there’s more of an emphasis on collaborative problem-solving — and, for that matter, less focus on behaviors than on underlying motives, values, and reasons.
A sense of community and responsibility for others isn’t confined to the classroom; indeed, students are helped to locate themselves in widening circles of care that extend beyond self, beyond friends, beyond their own ethnic group, and beyond their own country. Opportunities are offered not only to learn about, but also to put into action, a commitment to diversity and to improving the lives of others.
In progressive schools, students play a vital role in helping to design the curriculum, formulate the questions, seek out (and create) answers, think through possibilities, and evaluate how successful they — and their teachers — have been.
Their active participation in every stage of the process is consistent with the overwhelming consensus of experts that learning is a matter of constructing ideas rather than passively absorbing information or practicing skills.
Seen from Paradigm of education and theories of education assumed in progressive teaching is give freedom to student to explore him self.In the class happen good interaction between student and teacher.The teacher not just one resources knowledge but teacher is facilitator.So became student active in learning process.Educational system use classroom based assesment to value student,that based competence student in understand material.Curiculum used curriculum KTSP.It press competence student.and student must active in learning procces.
In the class,teacher used description method in learning procces that based contexstual student anf place.So teacher can used real example in teach and teacher work construct their own knowladge.That get from book,internet,magazine and etc.So teacher not be book just one resources but book is reference.
So,can conclude that all problem education in Indonesia with aplied progressive teaching in learn.